Never a True Christian

Waiting for a word from the LORD.
  •   Many people follow the Christian god because they don't know enough about science.
  •   Other people follow the Christian god because they don't know enough about the Christian god.
      On this website we are guided primarily by The Cognitive Retro Encabulation of the Philosophic Dialectic and Its Restructurative Transcendence of Omni-Atheological Objections (Anzengruber, 1978) and the writings of Christopher Hitchens.
Questions for Christians
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Opening Statement
Things That Christians Say
About Atheism,
and Other Matters
My Deconversion
or How This
Website Got Its Name
The Resurrection of Jesus

Four Different Biblical Accounts
That Can't Be Reconciled
Jesus and Spiderman

Pascal's Wager
Why Atheists May Seem Angry Sometimes

(including a discussion of Goofyism)
Matt Dillahunty
Fulfilled Prophecy
Why I Don't Trust the Bible
Hezekiah 5:21
Favorite Bible Verses
I Don't Hate God
What to Say to People
Who Want to Evangelize You
Angry Christians
43% of All Fundamentalist Christians are Going to Hell
Page 237
Second Coming
My Favorite Videos

Jack T. Chick Tracts

Hasa Diga Eebowai

[WARNING: This page plays music]
Heavenly Tourism

Books written by people who claim that they died, experienced some form of an "afterlife," and then returned to the land of the living. Or they saw visions of heaven.
Vocabulary List
for the
King James Version
Click here if you want to be saved
Son of a Bitch!
It's the Word of God.
Kitzmiller et al.
Dover Area School District et al.
The Logical Flaw in the
Evangelical Christian
"Plan of Salvation"
Ten Commandments
A Conversation
With a Christian
Why a Christian
Can't Go to Hell
How I Know the God of the Bible Doesn't Exist
Jesus Take the Wheel

The Bible and
Gilligan's Island
Well I'm Really Not a Christian
the Bible is True
$10.00 God Challenge
Kissing Hank's Ass
A True Story
If you have serious questions about God and the Bible, perhaps you should ask an EXPERT
Gospel Album Covers
The "Watchmaker" Argument
The Christian Woman's Starter Kit
Omazing Grace
[Pardon my language]
Why Did You Do So Much Work Putting Up an Entire Website Devoted to Something You Say Doesn't Even Exist?
It Happened at Columbine High School (or Didn't)
Birds Aren't Real
My Little Daughter
What I Dislike Most
About Christianity
Abraham and
the Stone Gods
"He'll Fuck You Up"
An Introduction to Evolution
How I "Know" Stuff
Things That
Jehovah's Witnesses
Aren't Allowed to Do
No God is Needed for Morality
My Friend Brenda
"Right now, give Him your best gift of $97.00. There's something about $97.00 that so often releases your faith."
An Open Letter
to Christians
(Dan Barker)
Actual emails that I have received from Christians (unedited)
"Man" Rules
Biblical Marriage
It is Written in His Word!
What the Bible Says About Abortion
Jesus Didn't Really Need to Die
"You Win"
"Divinely Inspired"
What a Human God We Serve!
I Really Did Study the Bible.
Mike Murdock Delivers
a Message from The Lord
And then there's

God Detector
Live Webcam

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