Never a True Christian
"Divinely Inspired"

How do we know what is revelation and what isn't?

Bible Every prayer, every verse of the Bible, every creed, every doctrine, every article of faith, is a product of that organ known as the human brain. If it is going to be insisted that some of the output of this organ has been stimulated by a deity, that it comes through the brain from an exterior and superior source, we must have criteria for judging what is of human origin and what is of divine origin.

If we do not have these criteria (and we don't), we are in a hopeless situation, for there is no way to determine if there is any material that is of divine origin at all, or whether we are merely deceiving ourselves. We run the risk that a human system   —   expressed with eloquence and wisdom   —   will be mistaken for the word of God.

OMG Christian theology finds itself trying to impute universalistic dimensions to a deity previously embodied in terrestrial thought forms, described completely anthropomorphically.   The Christian deity bears a curious resemblance to a creature (human) that happened to evolve at one drifting point in space. Our theological systems have been formulated within the confines of one small planet.

Until we have greatly widened our experience of the universe (and this might be centuries away), it would seem foolish to make pronouncements about the nature of God.

        —   plagiarized from somewhere on the web

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