Yes, it's true. And I can prove it. FROM THE BIBLE. From Jesus' own words.
First, let's understand what evangelical Christians believe.
Evangelicals see themselves as hard-core front-line troops. None of this wishy-washy fuzzy-minded "interpretation" of the Bible. The Bible says what it means, and means what it says. "God said it, I believe it, and that settles it!"
Evangelicals believe that absolutely everybody has sinned. Nobody is good enough to earn his way into heaven, not even Mother Teresa (Romans 3:23-24). Sin the breaking of God's rules that are spelled out in the Bible (I John 3:4) must either be "atoned" for, or it must be paid for by a sentence of eternity in hell (with no hope of parole, ever). "Atonement" involves a setup wherein Jesus/God paid the sin-penalty by dying for all of us (John 3:16). This is also called "propitiation" (I John 2:2, Romans 3:25).
There are only the two options; you have your "A" choice and your "B" choice:
Salvation by grace. |
Fifty trillion years in hell, screaming in agony. |
Evangelical Christians opt for the "A" choice (and they think you should, too). It works like this:
Step One: You accept Christ's sacrifice (his death on the cross) in order to "join the family of God" (John 1:12; Romans 8:15). You say a prayer in which (a) you ask God to forgive your sins and (b) you "accept Jesus" as your personal lord and savior. You consciously decide to accept Christ's sacrifice. This experience/event is called being "born again" (John 3:3).
Step Two: After you become a Christian, you change your behavior, that is, you stop sinning (I John 3:6; Luke 6:46; Titus 2:11-12; II Corinthians 7:1). You start living like Jesus lived (I John 2:6; I Peter 1:16). You should also stop wanting to sin (Romans 6:8-14). Good luck with this last one.
But as you live your (Christian) life, you find out that you can't stop sinning. Even after you accept Jesus.
Read I John 1:7 some time, very carefully ... what are you doing while you're being purified from sin? "Walking in the light!" If you were walking in the light, why did you need to be purified from sin? Because you were simultaneously [1] walking in the light and [2] sinning.
You keep trying, and you do see some progress (Philippians 3:12-14; II Peter 3:18; ). Even real born-again Christians don't completely stop sinning.
And then there are those "Christians" who don't even TRY to stop sinning. By their fruits you will know them. Some of the people who "said the words" to become Christians didn't actually believe what they were saying; these people are not really saved (Matthew 7:21-23).
So how do you figure out who's really saved and who isn't (based on the lack of sin, or abundance of sin, in somebody's life)? Well, if you are at least trying to align your lifestyle to comply with God's rules, then you're living under God's grace. But if you choose to continue living in a lifestyle displeasing to God, you aren't really saved, because you're living in rebellion (I John 3:6).
This is important: there are sins that are "lifestyle" sins and then there are "occasional sins" that might be committed by "real" born-again Christians (I Peter 2:16, I Corinthians 6:12). Occasional sins ... well, "We all fail sometimes." But lifestyle sins deliberate, conscious, ongoing sin people who practice such sins are headed for hell. They aren't saved.
Jesus said: "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery"
(Luke 16:18). |
If a person
(1) gets married and then (2) gets divorced and then (3) gets married again, he is defined as an adulterer. By Jesus Christ himself. |
Paul said: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither
the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor sexual perverts [this presumably includes homosexuals], nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 6:9-10) |
Adulterers won't go to heaven. They aren't saved. They're going to hell.
They're on the same "headed straight to hell" list as homosexuals. |
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